Gandhi Peace Keeping Centre

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Embracing Green Change: Panangudi School’s Tree Plantation Drive

In the heart of Panangudi, a small yet significant movement is taking root. The Panangudi School, known for its commitment to environmental stewardship, embarked on a “Tree Plantation Campaign” from July 2019 to July 2020, marking a year-long effort to enrich the local ecosystem.

The campaign, aptly named “Swachhata Pakhwada,” was more than just an environmental initiative; it was a clarion call for community action. On July 1, 2019, the P.T.R. Palanivel Rajan Campus became a hub of green activity as 90 trees were planted, symbolizing 90 steps towards a greener future.

The event drew participation from all corners of the community—government officials, educators, students, and residents—all united by a shared vision of a cleaner, more sustainable Panangudi. The native species planted, like neem and Indian beech, were carefully selected for their adaptability and ecological benefits.

Photographs from the campaign tell a story of hope and collaboration. Whether it was along the main roads or within the school campus, each sapling planted was a testament to the collective will to foster environmental change.

As we look back on this initiative, it’s clear that the seeds of change have been sown. The Panangudi School’s Tree Plantation Drive is not just about planting trees; it’s about planting ideas—ideas that will grow into a legacy of environmental consciousness for generations to come.